April 30, 2008

A s0ng FoR my D3aR

*To all my friends,please really listen to this song,its a classic song and very nice*
( I heard it in Tv and i wan give it to my lovely dear in ns,muacks! )
A few stolen moments is all that we share
you've got your family
and they need you there
though i've tried to resist
being last on your list
but no other man's gonna do
so i'm saving all my love for you
it's not very easy
living all alone
my friends try and tell me
you got find a man of my own
but each time i try
i just break down and cry
cause i'd rather be home feeling blue
so i'm saving all my love for you you used to tell me we'd run away together love gives you the right to be free when you said be patient just wait a little longer but that's just an old fantasy i've got to get ready just a few minutes more gonna get that old feeling when you walk through that door cause tonight is the night for feeling alright
we'll be making love the whole night through

so i'm saving all my love yes i'm saving all my love yes i'm saving all my love for you no other woman, is gonna love you more cause tonight is the night that i'm feeling alright we'll be making love the whole night through so i'm saving all my love yes i'm saving all my love yes i'm saving all my love for you saving for you

April 29, 2008


活 在 夜 的 角 落 今 夜 我 失 眠 了 不 敢 有 一 点 儿 睡 意 担 心 明 日 一 早 起 来 就 告 诉 我 你 的 好 消 息 但 却 是 我 心 里 的 不 舍 失 眠 的 夜 晚 我 学 会 了 在 心 中 默 默 地 跟 你 说 话 当 然 你 听 不 见 我 失 眠 的 时 候 你 熟 睡 我 的 忧 伤 无 奈 的 不 舍 你 怎 会 知 道 在 我 的 生 命 中 将 少 了 欢 笑 少 了 怜 爱 每 天 我 看 着 太 阳 从 东 边 走 到 西 边 然 后 留 给 我 长 长 的 思 念 的 无 尽 的 黑 夜 对 你 的 不 舍 今 以 越 来 越 深 夜 夜 无 眠 坚 强 成 了 脆 弱 生 命 是 如 此 不 堪 一 击 这 世 上 有 很 多 无 奈 的 事 事 到 如 今 也 只 好 祝 你 梦 想 成 真

April 28, 2008


STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!!! I receive my dear,Winnie, message yesterday and the message keep scolding me stupid...What happen dear??? Did i do anything wrong?? Tell me please...What have i done???Why i called you and you dun ans my call??? I was very nervous, i scare i do something thats make you so angry...

I keep thinking what had i done and i can't even think a word..WHAT IS HAPPENING?!!!

Than lately i receive a massage from my dear again, my dear say her dad was angry and try to complain to the comander! =.='' I'm very blur la...What is happening??? I think i need to call my dear daddy and ask what is happening...

Me: 'Hello...Uncle itzi??i'm Clarence. What happen on Winnie? Why she say you are angry and want to complain the comander??'

Dear Daddy: 'Oh,i buy a lot of food to Winnie but the comander don't allow to pass the food....'


Chiuuu!!! Scare me la... I still though what did i done that make my dear so angry.... I call my dear again and she ans this time...She toid me that the comander don't allow them to bring food that passing from family..This because before this, there a boy in her camp too get cigarette from his family by storing in buiscuit box... Aduh,dear...u scare me la...next want scold other people please mention his/her name ma...haha.....Happy that you are back on 8May...bring you go play when you back o... WAIT!!! Where is the food that your daddy buy for you??? Perhaps...in the comander stomach already??HaHa....

April 26, 2008

Close 2 Y0u

Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? just like me, they long to be close to you. why do stars fall down from the sky every time you walk by? just like me, they long to be close to you.

On the day that you were born the angels got together
and decided to create a dream come true
so they sprinkled moon dustin your hair
and starlight in your eyes like they do
that is why all the guys in town
follow you all around
just like me,
they long to be
close to you.
( my frist time using english song...cause i seldom listen english song.. )


征 服 他 人
不 会 留 下 快 乐
只 会 引 来 仇 恨
善 于 自 我 调 伏 的 人
会 拥 有 幸 福
和 获 得 尊 重

April 25, 2008


天 是 灰 色 的
雨 是 灰 色 的
路 是 灰 色 的
心 情 更 是 灰 色 的
在 一 片 死 灰 之 中
得 知 你 将 归 来
就 像 两 个 小 孩 走 过
一 个 鲜 红
一 个凌 紫
( click if u cnt c the pic)

April 24, 2008


终于生到底了! 我开盖啦! 这包大的呢??? 还 不 行 啦,还 没 生 到 底。。。。。
等 啊 等 , 终 于 可 以 开 盖 了,
期 待 着 四 天 后 我 的 平 菇 成 长 ,
同 时 更 希 望 ,
我 期 待 以 久 的 学 院 ,
能 够 早 点 给 于 答 复。。。

April 21, 2008


雨, 好像好几天 没下 了, 还 记 得, 在下雨的日子, 偶而痴 呆地 站在 窗前, 数着下雨的 雨滴, 聆 听 下 雨 的 声 音。 对面楼房的阳台, 我看见雨中的白花, 一朵朵白白的花, 仿佛也像读了你的信息似, 深感感 伤。。。 在雨的世界思念, 永远 不 会 蒸 发, 只会更加加深。 雨停了, 一 串 串 美 丽 的 雨 滴, 是心里那串明亮的佛珠。 雨还在下, 秋天更加 萧 瑟, 我 们 都 能 熬 过 去 的, 急促的 蓝 色的雨, 仿 佛 是 一 根 根 针 灸, 曾 经 刺 伤 着 你 我 的 心, 更 治 愈 着 你 我 的 灵 魂。 镜框中的雨世界, 或许就是你我的真实世界, 有绿色, 有生命, 雨中的 叶也变黄了, 成 熟 的 季 节, 阳光 都市 下的 我 们又 长大吗??? 同一个 城市的 街道, 有你 我 走过的 足 迹, 但 是 下 雨 了 一 切 都 被 冲 刷 得 毫 无 踪 影, 其实我们并不遥远, 同在成都都市下的天地, 我 们 仿 佛 是 那一 片 片 红 色 的 枫 叶, 在雨中, 摇 曳 地 述 说 着 你 我 的 故 事。。。。。 我 们 会 在 暴 雨 中 流 泪, 让 雨 水 掩 藏 我 们 的 泪 水, 算 是 将 那 无 助 的心 情, 永 远 地 藏 在 心 底 在 雨 中, 你们会渴望那能 为 你 遮 风 挡 雨 的 雨亭吗? 我不会的, 我想 我更 愿 意 继 续往 前 行走。。。 在你喜欢的蓝色的世界里。。。。。

April 19, 2008

Journey to CK House!

Haiyo... Ck birthday really don't know what to buy la... headache... cause i seldom buy girl's present...

Erm...seem these few day alwayst say about Christian, why don't i just buy something relate to Christ Lord???LoL...Driving with my cacat leg go to Christian worship centre there find see got any present or not...Alamak!!! What should i buy???so many things here...headache again la...
Nevermind, i got many time to choose...bluek! I turn around and around and around inside the shop to buy some books for Ck...but can't find any title that intersting..Aduh!almost half hour liao lo...how???Ok lo,go turn around again lo.
AHHA!!!Finally....let me find 2 books that easy to understand as a begginer...ok la!confirm!...Ok Now! Go find Ck! but wait....where is her house???Haji Baki?No! Kpg Tamala?No! Than Where??? Call Tiaw and ask for her address in school magazine...Get it! Lot XXX,Lorong XXX, Kpg Semaba la...ok lo,as a 7th mile people, must know where is the way d... so start to drive to 7th mile first...WTF! Traffic Jam?! ARCH!!! Make a U-turn thn drive another way from airport to 7th mile lo...
WHERE IS CK HOUSE LA???i turn in a kampung first than turn and turn and turn,finally reach Kampung Semaba! than turn to her lorong...call her ask which house...than see a stupid girl walk around infront of her house.Ahah! Must be this house!Ck!!!!! I found you!!! Pass her the present which Jasper and i give than Ck give me 2 dragon fruit( i think her mum,nt her..haha).
I wonder is there a shorten way to go Ck house, so i ask her to show me way out with other road...Cheh...Haji Baki can go her house too...but also far la...i wonder your family car petrol spend how much in one month????so now if you ask me where is CK house, i will just tell you, TURN AND TURN AND TURN!!!

April 18, 2008


So...this is my leg right now... Whole bruise!!! You can call me Purple Leg Man..HAHA...SWT... From drum to foot...kolian me...

April 13, 2008


NO...Not this!


Today, i woke up at 7.30am because i need to entering a caurse later. My caurse were held at Pusat Latihan Pembangunan Belia, Jalan Santubong. My dad and my mum fetch me go there. Before we go, we go to fetch my grandmum 1st. Actually we want to take our breakfast when we on way to there but the coffee shop we want to go did not open. So i have to go petrol station to buy some biscuit as my breakfast lo. My dad put me down than i walk into the office to do the payment stuff. The caurse cot rm280 per person. I paid my money than go in the class. They say the class start at 8.30 but they start at about 9.20am.....Our class have about 55 people,some of them are wakil-wakil from jabatan pertanian Kuching and so on(infact they no need to pay any fee???).Our lecturer is Puan Normah,from KL. She is naib pengawai in Jabatan Petanian Kuala Lumpur. She teach us all about mushroom, from introduction of mushroom to mushroom business... We had a small tea break at about 10.30am. Than we continue our class after the break.
We had learn the name of those materials that need when we plant mushroom and technique to plant. At 12pm, we were divide into 4 group to do our practical. All of us are exicited in it. They teach us about the teori and tecnique to mixed up all the materials and the steps follow by. Actually the steps to plant mushroom are easy, just you need to be very becarefull. If not, let say you want plant black jeli, than it might be come out lingzhi if you don't do it carefully.SWT...HaHa... We had try ourself to do it too during the practical.
After the practical, we have our lunch!!! The food was not bad as i tought...gt curry and veg...but...why no any mushroom huh???Arr!Forget about it...After the luch, i saw they already open a stall to sale their product...i buy 3 pack of fresh abalone mushroom and some media bag too. We continue our class at 2pm. We learn how to diffrenciate the mushroom with spoisioness and the way to put in the spawn into the media bag. We also learn how to take care of the mushroom and prevent the destroyer to destroy our mushroom. We also know the name of those mushroom and know more about product of mushroom from there.
Lastly, our lecturer told us that some people who plant mushroom in West Malaysia can get 800kg/day, thats mean he can earn RM120,000 per month!( 1kg cost about R20) What The XXX! Anyway, the caurse finish around 4.30 and we get our certificate before we back. I wait my dad for about 30minutes to come fetch me back.....
Today is Sunday bo?!? No need find Winnie meh??? Got la Got la, you all don't kepo. HaHa. Interested in mushroom??? You can ask me more detail if you want know more.
The place i study my caurse My 'classmate'... *i'm alwayst the yongest* The lecturer,pink shirt,Puan Normah...
not my mum working place arr!
Rubber-wood pieces Add in DEDAK Add in KAPUR (calcium carbonate)
to mantain in ph5.5-7 Mix it up men!!! Finally add in water untill 60%moist
The mixer-mesin
We put the materials into the bag We put the media beg in the
steamer for 7-8 hour for destoy other
fungus or bacteria.
...my lunch... This thing call media bag, everyone get 2 when enter the class. Now i put in my study room. Who can guess one small bag like this can
grow how many time mushroom???
The winner i belanja eat mushroom meal. ...my cert...
This is 'jeli hitam', we call black fungus This mushroom everyone know it right? U know lingzhi in enhlish call what??? Ganoderma sp. Konsep 5P ...my course at second floor...

April 12, 2008


Yummy!Yummy!!! Today i drive to the Spring with my family just because of my dad wan to buy these donut. DONUT!???! Oh no,Not For me... I dont like Donut for my this 17year being human experience... Donut have a bad image in my mind...YOU ALL!TRY TO AMAGINE! A huana makcik at tepi jalan than goreng few huana small donut there and few flies fly here and there in the hot day...OMG!!!
My dad buy 1 box 6 pieces for rm12..erm...ok la, not too expansive...we went to my grandpa new house at huising and eat there. OH MY GOD!!! This donut change my mind! What a good donut! Smell soooo good and taste so nice!Amazing! Pretty GooD! Now please!Please imagine that a high class donut shop with experience doing donut skill and u can smell the donut from far away~~~And also have many choices like green tea, cheese, chocolate, strawberry and many many let you choose...wah...so nice right??? SO???Why still reading my blog???Go buy now! Have long to Q up u know???


Yaya, yesterday i went to Tze Yun Buddhist Association with my friend, Kc, to do some ceremony call 'water regret'. I bring 10 bottle of mineral water to there for offering and blessing. Kc do not bring any, so i gv him 2 bottle of mine. the ceremony start at 8pm bt we reach there about 7.55?? than they already start...Gues who i see there???Is Mr.Lim! Mario teacher!HAHA. The ceremony finish at about 9.45pm than the master had a short talk after the ceremony...
The ceremony is actually held in 3 days long, but i only go on the first day. I hope this ceremony can sligthly bring off those bad kurma on me. But, i more hope that its bring a very GOOOOOD Luck to my friend, Kc, who going to study KL study.SADHU! SADHU! SADHU! *meaning of blessing*

April 11, 2008


无助的我一时 间失去了重心 . 听不到你的声音.
让我无时无刻的悠悠 .
忧愁你的一切 .
也许我该要相信 .
少了你的日子. 使我孤单加上思念的征 状.
痛却又哽住呼吸 .
远方的你是否也在思念我 .
我讨厌命运骄傲的神情 .
好让你留下不走 .
体会了什么是迫不得已 .
如今以是空言 .
只愿烦人的时光快溜走 .
以续梁祝之情 .
岁月如风吹过望口 .
谁在我心来去匆匆 .
难道是远方的你 .
能超越这距离和时空 .
让你和我深夜心灵相通 .
突发我思念之意 .
留下思念之词 .
亲爱的 我想你 .

April 10, 2008


This is not about a chinese new year post!

This few day nothing to do at home, feel very boring...so wana find out something to do. Suddenly my mind told me that i had something forgot to do since Chinese New Year! Oh My God! How dare of me forgot to clean up my Buddha and offerings things since i move it out when new year eve and forgot to keep it for about 2 MONTH?! I quickly go and tidy up when i suddenly think of it. But wat???!!! The food like chinese mandarin and the nien kao still in good condition! Not even dry or 'fa mei' yet since they are not in freeze and explore to sunlight at my house carpark for almost 2 MONTH!!!


April 9, 2008


Haiyoooo!!!!! Fall down from motorbike...soi arr... Even my hand too! my leg now BENGKAK lo!!!

April 8, 2008

Dear goin back to camp...

.....Haiya....Goin to miss you again dear.....
Victor!!! Cant laugh at you...
coz you always botak d..nothing special...

April 5, 2008

Dear come back!!! Yahoo!!!Go Damai Play>>>

I had waiting this day for a very long time! My dear had come bck from her camp because...hehehe... Since my sister ask me whether wana go damai or not, than i feel like wana bring my dear to have a walk there too so i drive my small car and fetch my dear, my sister and Siok.s go damai... Many big trak on the way go to damai so i have to potong the lorries here and there... Finally we reach damai puri,i put them down to the place near reception than i drive to park my small car at the down stay. The resort there are really new and modern compare to last time which they haven renovate it. There have two pool now but 1 for adult and 1 for little kids d, the kid's pool had move to the other side and have add some new like playground things there too. My dear and i quickly walk to the beach and hae a walk there. I saw a crab than i ran to catch it...catching the crab is very tiring... i ask my dear to set up a trape wif our shoes than finally we had catch the crab,but my hand...auch!!!THE CRAB HURT ME!!!
After we had walk awhle, the rain had came...WTF! Go so far to play but...haiz...
We clean up ourself than we had a walk around the resort. i took a picture with my dear before leaving. We cant take many photo because WE DONT HAVE CAMERA! We only have our poor and lousy handphone...
Before we go back to Kuching, i drve to damai lagoon and drive up to d highland there...miss the time we go damai together and where my best friends and i took photo there (but less kh 1 people...lame...) . We went into Santubung Resort too when we passing by. We reach kuching than straight go eat at Tain Fud, a vegetarian shop near PoxWave. Wah!Cheap and Delicious!Yummy Yummy!!! After that we go library to find some thing and we go PC Fair since my friend calls up,if not no give face ma... I din buy anything there and we meet my dear brother there too.
That night, we had a dinner at secret garden at padungan. I'm the latest to reach because traffic jame at jalan song,u know...after our dinner, k.cheng,k.huo, my dear and i went for a movie call The Romance of 3 KINGDOM! What a nice movie i like since i like China history very much...
I very happy tonight since my mum know about my dear and let me out for dating! Swt...

April 2, 2008


今早得知你将飞往他乡 心中有无尽的语 想送往你那宁静的天空 朋友我永远祝福你 不要问 不要说 一切尽在不言中 愿心中永远留著我的笑容 伴你走过每一个春夏秋冬 几许愁 几许忧 人生难免有苦与痛 愿你一路风平浪静。。。 情难舍 人难留 今朝一别各西东 虽然在眼前说再见 再见不会太遥远 若有缘 有缘就能期待明天 你和我重逢在灿烂的季节 朋友我真心祝福你